
Lachi的《We Can Fly》 歌词?

238 2024-09-13 23:54 admin   手机版

一、Lachi的《We Can Fly》 歌词?

歌曲名:We Can Fly



take a sip and say you're trying hard to tell me

Then there's something 'bout a right to know

pretty smile never looked so damn low

I say 'I love you', now you're crying much harder

Then i drop that bomb on me

A split second of a doubt

Then I kiss you baby

You don't expect nothin' of me

You thought about it and you made your plans

Now maybe we're not this

And maybe we're not that

But if two are in love,if they're strong, as we are

Then maybe we can...

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can

i am sayin' that is gonna be easy

I ain't saying that is all downhill

But with the stuggle gonna come it's owm fair of thrills

Why you pushin' me away like you are

Did they tell you that I'd run for shure

Well I'm here, do you see me makin' for the back door?

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can

You won't dernand nothin' of me

I'd give you everything that I have

Maybe it is tough and maybe it is hard

But if two are in love, if they're strong as we are

Then maybe we can

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can

I don't want to go

And I don't want to leave

Whatever is a part of you you must be a part of me

I don't want wo choose

I'm already free

If any woman, any man, can get through it, then we can


There once was a little boy who loved to explore the world around him. One day, he stumbled upon a small, seedling tree growing in his backyard. Excited to watch it grow, he watered it every day, watched the leaves slowly develop, and eventually marveled as it became a towering tree.Years later, when the boy was an old man, he returned to his childhood home and was amazed to see the same tree he had watched grow all those years ago. It had become a great, strong tree, full of life and vitality.As he stood there underneath its branches, the man realized that he, too, had grown and evolved over the years, just like the tree. And just like the tree, he had been nourished by the world around him, and had become exactly who he was meant to be.


Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who kept several sheep.


One morning, the shepherd discovered that one of his sheep was missing. It turned out that, during the night, a wolf had stolen his sheep through a hole in the sheep pen.


His neighbor suggested to him: "You should fix the pen and cover the hole right away."


But the shepherd said: "The sheep is already lost, so I don't need to repair it." And so he rejected the neighbor's suggestion.


The next morning, he discovered that another sheep was missing. Once again, the wolf stole the sheep through the hole in the fence.


The shepherd regretted not taking the neighbor's advice. So he plugged the hole to secure the sheep pen.


From then on, no more sheep was stolen by the wolf.





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The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子

A PIGEON,oppressed by excessive thirst,saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard.Not supposing it to be only a picture,she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard,jarring herself terribly.Having broken her wings by the blow,she fell to the ground,and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion.


A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion


One day,a monkey rides his bike near the river.This time he sees a lion under a tree.The lion runs at him.He is afraid and falls into the river.

He can’t swim.He shouts.The rabbit hears him.He jumps into the river.The rabbit swims to the monkey,but he can’t help him.Luckily,an elephant comes along.

He is very strong.He helps the rabbit and monkey.Three friends are very happy.They go to the elephant’s home.Then,three of them become good friends.


1.《Love 》爱情

He typed 50 words,Then he deleted it.He typed a joke,Then he deleted it.He typed the latest news.Then he deleted it.Finally he typed “Hello” and send it out.“He’s such a boring person.”The girl at the other side of the phone complained.


She saw scars and bruises on her body.Tears fell on the wounds.This wasn’t the 1st time he abused and hit her.She decided to end life.Took a knife and went to the bedroom.She came outside with blood all over her face,But this is the 1st time it wasn’t her blood.


1.幽默风趣的英语小故事 篇一

  the hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "i have never been beaten," he said, "when i run at full speed, no one is faster than me." the tortoise said quietly, "i will race with you." "that is a good joke," said the hare. "i could dance around you the whole way."the race started. the hare darted almost out of sight at once. he soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.the tortoise plodded on and on. when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.

  moral: pride goes before a fall. only by persevering can we achieve our goals.


  寓意: 骄兵必败;只有持之以恒,才能实现目标。

2.幽默风趣的英语小故事 篇二

  One day, Zhuang Gong, King of the State of Qi, went out in a chariot to hunt.


  On the way, he saw a small insect raise both its arms, trying to stop the wheels of the chariot. Zhuang Gong of Qi was curious and asked the driver:


  "What kind of insect is it?"


  "It is a mantis," the driver replied promptly. "This kind of insect only knows how to advance but not retreat, blindly underrating its enemies and overrating its own abilities."


  Hearing the driver's reply, Zhuang Gong smiled to himself and remained silent.


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