

135 2024-10-19 07:39 admin   手机版



故事一:The Fox and the Grapes(狐狸与葡萄)

Once upon a time, there was a fox who was very hungry. He saw a bunch of delicious grapes hanging from a vine.


The fox tried very hard to reach the grapes, but they were too high for him. He jumped and jumped, but it was no use.


Finally, the fox gave up and said, "Those grapes are probably sour anyway!"


故事二:The Boy Who Cried Wolf(说谎的男孩)

There once was a shepherd boy who was in charge of watching the sheep. He thought it would be funny to trick the villagers by pretending there was a wolf.


The boy shouted, "Help! Help! A wolf is attacking the sheep!" The villagers came running, but when they arrived, they saw no wolf. The boy laughed and laughed.


The next day, the boy played the same trick again. He shouted, "Help! Help! A wolf is attacking the sheep!" This time, the villagers were a bit skeptical, but they still came running. And once again, they found no wolf. The boy laughed even harder.


Finally, a few days later, a real wolf came to attack the sheep. The boy cried for help, but no one came. The wolf ate many of the sheep, and the boy learned a very important lesson.


故事三:The Tortoise and the Hare(乌龟与兔子)

Once upon a time, there was a tortoise and a hare who were going to have a race. Everyone thought the hare would win because he was very fast.


The hare ran quickly and soon was far ahead of the tortoise. He thought he had plenty of time to take a nap, so he laid down and fell asleep.


Meanwhile, the tortoise kept going slowly and steadily. He never stopped or took a break.


When the hare woke up, he saw that the tortoise was about to cross the finish line. He started running as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise had already won the race.






这个就是考察词汇积累了,time通常的翻译为时间如it is time to go to bed该是睡觉的时间了。

time作为不可数名词是时间,但作为可数名词还有次数的意思,如it is two times that i get here. 这是我第二次来这边。综上time在小学里有时间和次数两个意思


Seeing is believing

One day the king of animals asked a cat to see how his palace was built. After a few hours, the little cat came back and said to the tiger, “Oh, your palace is very large, tall and beautiful. ”Several days later the tiger asked a pig to see it. He said, “Go and see how my palace is built. ”But when the pig came back, he said to the tiger, “My dear king, I thought your palace is beautiful, but it suits yourself only. ”  

The tiger was very surprised when he heard it. “Why are the cat’s and the pig’s answers not the same? ”he said to himself. He then asked a camel to go to have a look. Before long the camel ran back out of breath and said to the tiger, “Oh, your palace is too small for you to live in, my king. ”  

The king became very angry when he heard what the camel said. He said to the animals angrily, “Maybe somebody of you tell lies. Three people have three ideas. I want to kill you. ”Just at the moment, a fox came out to stop the tiger from doing that. He asked the tiger himself to go to see it before killing them.   

After the tiger saw the palace himself, he thought that their answers were all right. He said to the animals, “To see with one’s own eyes is more important than only to hear others. ”



一天,百兽之王让一只小猫去看看他的宫殿建造得怎么样。几个小时之后,小猫回来了,对老虎说:“您的宫殿非常大,又高又漂亮。”几天后,老虎又让一只猪去看看。他说:“去看看我的宫殿建造得如何。”但是,猪回来之后却对老虎说:“亲爱的国王陛下,虽然您的宫殿很漂亮,但是它只容得下您自己。”  老虎听到这些话感到很吃惊。“为什么猫和猪说的话不一样呢?”老虎自语着。然后他又让一头骆驼去看一看。骆驼很快便气喘吁吁地跑回来了,它对老虎说:“我的国王,您的宫殿对于您来说,实在是太小了,都没法住。”当老虎听到骆驼所说的话时,变得非常生气。他生气地对动物们说:“你们三个人中有人说谎了,三个人有三个看法。我要处死你们。”就在这时,一只狐狸过来阻止老虎那样做。他请求老虎在杀他们之前,自己亲自去看看。老虎亲自看完宫殿后,认为他们的答案都是对的。他对动物们说:“眼见为实,耳听为虚。”




故事一:The Two Frogs 两只青蛙

Once upon a time, in a small pond, there lived two frogs. One frog was optimistic and always saw the bright side of things, while the other was pessimistic and tended to focus on the negative. One day, they found themselves trapped in a bucket of milk.

Optimistic Frog: "Don't worry, my friend! We'll find a way out of this. Let's keep swimming and try to churn the milk into butter."

Pessimistic Frog: "There's no use. We're doomed. We'll never escape."

The two frogs swam for hours, struggling to stay afloat in the thick milk. As they continued their efforts, a miracle happened. The milk started to thicken, forming butter, and eventually, the frogs were able to jump out of the bucket and onto solid ground.

Optimistic Frog: "See, I told you we would make it! Our persistence paid off."

Pessimistic Frog: "I can't believe we actually survived. Luck must have been on our side."


故事二:The Wooden Bowl 木碗

In a small village, there was an old man who had a wooden bowl. The bowl had several cracks, and the old man had to use tape to keep it together. One day, his grandson asked him why he continued to use the cracked bowl instead of getting a new one.

The old man smiled and said, "Every crack tells a story, my dear. This bowl has been with me through many years of joy and sorrow. It reminds me of the ups and downs of life."

The grandson was puzzled, so the old man continued his explanation. "When I look at this bowl, I see resilience and strength. It teaches me to embrace imperfections and cherish the memories associated with them."


故事三:The Wise Farmer 聪明的农夫

Once upon a time, there was a wise farmer who had a beautiful horse. One day, the horse ran away, leaving the farmer with nothing. His neighbors came to console him, saying, "How unfortunate! Your only horse is gone. What bad luck!"

The wise farmer calmly replied, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows? Only time will tell."

A few days later, the horse returned, bringing with it a herd of wild horses. The neighbors came again, this time excited about the farmer's newfound wealth.

The wise farmer said, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows? Only time will tell."

The farmer's son decided to tame one of the wild horses. During the process, he fell and broke his leg. The neighbors expressed their sympathy, seeing this as a stroke of bad luck.

As always, the wise farmer said, "Good luck, bad luck, who knows? Only time will tell."






Dear Diary,

Today is the first day of summer vacation. I woke up early and had a delicious breakfast. Then, I went to the park with my friends. We played games, flew kites, and had a picnic. It was so much fun! In the evening, I watched a movie with my family. I really enjoyed my day. I can't wait for more exciting adventures this summer!




第一篇:I love to learn English

English is one of the subjects in school.It's also one of the most important subjects .As you know,It's difficult for somebody,and easy for other body.It depend on if you love English.I think English is easy and I like English very much.Althogh my English grade is no the best,I think I did my best,and my English will be better.








My favourite season My favourite season is summer.In summer,I can wear skirt and shirt.I can swim in the swimming pool with my friend.Swimming gives me cool feelings and makes me happy.And I can eat ice-cream.I like eating ice-cream. I like summer very much.Do you like summer? 我最喜欢的季节是夏天。









1. All for me,one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。

2. To think is to see. 思考就是明白。

3. Time is life. 时间就是生命。

4. One man,no man.个人力量,微不足道。

5. Study while you study, play while you play.学习时学习,娱乐时娱乐。

6. Without learning, without eyes.没有学识就是盲人。

7. All men cannot be first.不能人人都第一。

8. Nothing is impossible! 一切皆有可能!

9. Let’s do it by ourselves. 让我们自己做。

10. Remember: Keep smile on your face.记住:面带微笑。

11. A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。

12. A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。





故事一:The Lost Cat

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a little girl named Lucy. Lucy loved cats and had a pet cat named Mia. One day, when Lucy came back from school, she couldn't find Mia anywhere. She searched the house and looked in the backyard but there was no sign of Mia.

Lucy was very worried. She decided to ask her neighbors if they had seen Mia. She went to Tom's house first. Tom was an old man who loved gardening.

"Hello, Tom. Have you seen my cat, Mia? She is missing," Lucy asked.

"Oh, Lucy. I'm sorry to hear that. I haven't seen Mia around. But I'll keep an eye out for her while I'm working in the garden," Tom replied.

Lucy thanked Tom and continued her search. Next, she went to Mrs. Smith's house. Mrs. Smith was a kind old lady who loved knitting.

"Dear Mrs. Smith, have you seen my cat, Mia? She's lost," Lucy asked with hope.

"I haven't seen Mia, my dear. But I'll definitely let you know if I come across her," Mrs. Smith said with a comforting smile.

Lucy felt grateful and moved on to the next house. She went to Emily's house. Emily was a young girl who loved playing with her dolls.

"Hi Emily, have you seen Mia? I can't find her," Lucy said sadly.

"No, Lucy. I haven't seen Mia. But let's search the neighborhood together. We'll find her," Emily reassured Lucy.

Lucy and Emily searched the neighborhood, calling out for Mia. Suddenly, they heard a faint meow from a nearby tree. They looked up and there was Mia, stuck on a branch.

"Mia! We found you!" Lucy exclaimed with joy.

Emily quickly climbed the tree and rescued Mia. Lucy hugged Mia tightly and thanked Emily for her help.

"I'm so glad we found Mia. Thank you, Emily," Lucy said with a smile.

The three of them walked back home, happy and relieved.

故事二:The Brave Frog

There was a frog named Fred. Fred lived in a small pond in the middle of a forest. One day, a big storm hit the forest and it started raining heavily. The rain continued for days and the pond started to overflow.

Fred noticed that all the other creatures in the pond were scared. The fish were swimming frantically, trying to find a safe spot. The turtles were hiding under rocks. Even the birds were struggling to find shelter.

Fred decided to do something about it. He hopped out of the pond and went on a journey to find help. He came across a beaver named Benny.

"Benny, the pond is flooding! We need your help to build a dam," Fred said urgently.

Benny was surprised but he knew it was important. Together, they started building a dam to control the water. They worked day and night, cutting down trees and piling them up.

After a few days of hard work, the dam was finally completed. The water level in the pond started to go down, and all the creatures were grateful to Fred and Benny for their bravery and hard work.

Fred returned to the pond, feeling proud of what he had achieved. He knew that even a small frog like him could make a big difference.






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